Thursday, September 23, 2010

Acceleration - how to build your RAM

Do you remember the day when you have studied for your exams! do you have any idea as to how much you tend to read on a single day just before the exam ? Do you know what it takes to do this kind of a thing on a normal day ?

Well then its in plain old english its called concentration. Just imagine what would happen if you read that way everyday. What would be your knowledge levels. What all you will be able to achieve. Well without wasting much of the time, I will get into something known as Acceleration. In this technique, more related to computers, we will now stumble upon a new approach to work.

Do NOT produce any for 80 percent of the time. In other words just go around what you need to do. read/learn. Get deviated. Explore. At the end of the day if u r missing there is nothing you have done! On the next day if you are not missing, then you seem to read related stuff. browse code. read some documents. do x y z. but no output. No Documents. No high level design. No LLD. No Code. No testing. Absolutely nothing.
After few days you feel you should start making notes else you may forget. You feel its time to start producing some output. You never know what else may come and surprise you. Your manager may ask what you are upto and want to check the code. You say hmm i have done the analysis and its all in the head. But suppress the fear, just put the gear!

One fine day, he would say oh u have just 3 weeks to go and you have to write around 5000 lines of code.

Ok. Its time to shed it all out. So what you have done for the past 5 months is just have the clarity on what you need to code. It is almost like typing the shit out of it! Hence the name Acceleration. Well what does it do to you. It gives you the RAM required to do complex stuff. It gives you the adrenalin rush because you have to complete it before your manager shows you the door. Its like your exam day. You have to read. else what you have done for the past 1 year is equal to nothing.

So Acceleration to sum it up is to build what you need, in the mind before its on paper.

So start working on it. you need to code in your own mind. imagine the scenarios in your design. Try to do object oriented in you mind. How your design document looks. Everything is on your mind, every single line of code. Every function, every functionality. Now start coding. Start writing that HLD. Watever it is and at the end of it all you know how much you can stretch yourself.

You will be surprised that you read the entire book of 30 chapters each of 50 pages in flat 8 hrs from the close of first exam to the start of the next exam early morning!

I would like to say, just push the pedal!!!

Stretch yourself, you will see the time stop by just for you to finish it!

you feel the hours

then the minutes

and then the seconds

and then the stillness !!!

you have arrived at the state of coding nirvana!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Forecast for Astrology as a software engineer !

For several years in my life, close to 27, i have always wondered on the ability of astrologers and astrology to predict a persons character and his future. It was surprising to me how he could say I am dynamic and how he got it so right! Well then i am not sure if I always wanted to believe in it!
I read this stuff about how gravity works and how the waves are caused by moon and its gravitational effect and hence the gravitational forces could have impacts on the human body which is 70% liquid! Well the positions of plants do impact on how much gravity and hence....what chemical reactions run in my body and hence the state of my mind and hence my actions and hence my destiny!
During my later part of the discovery of the self, i began to question how it can impact an individual differently. So if i am born on some day, the planets were in some format during tat time and hence my chemical composition was decided on this ?? ( not sure why any research on the body types or chemical systems are not done based on the date we are born ). Well so even that loop can be answered.
Now i realized it may be logical enough to convince me of a remote possibility ! ok fine. So are we destined. If yes is it by GOD ?
So we are destined as per GOD. So does this mean that god wrote exactly what we will be doing on this planet. Similar to a software application and put it on the system. Like any other application is dreams that the entire system is its and it can do anything. It thinks it is running on its own with its own control loops. It thinks the it has the intelligence and thinks the processor is part of itself and hence all the intelligence belongs to itself, but we as GODs know that it can be killed any day and the processor and the entire system does not belong to it and its just a predestined entity! Tat was not a bad attempt to compare a software app to humans ( and the worst part engineer to GOD or the creator ;)).
Okay so let us get serious with the thought tat GOD created us and we are destined, thanks to GOD.

Ok! so as humans we believe in destiny and we know of it as well. We seem to know that GOD exists and we are destined and we believe in astrology and its predictions. Wow tat was like too intelligent for the humans to know of GOD and his master plans.

But on the contrary if GOD created us and he is super intelli and all knowing and that we are destined, doesn't seem to know tat the destined individual will go to a local astrologer and consult him and find out about his future. So logically (programmers birth right to think logically) it cannot be this way. As per logic GOD is all knowing and he has destined us, then he should know that I am destined to go the astrologer and check my kundli and know about it. So if the human gets to know about his future, then he is bound to react in some way. Even this way is known to me. So by the inverse laws of the converse of the universe this cannot be true.

So it means that we are not destined!!!

Hmm the logic doesn't seem to be complete. Actually there is a possibility that what I mentioned above can logically conclude that no matter wat the individual does ..goes to astrologer/palmistry for his future GOD clearly knows of his great intentions and hence has a plan B for him. And the chances of the individual being not affected by predictions of the astrologer are remote. So does it mean that astrologer actually predicted the future keeping in mind that GOD knows about it and he has calculated the future. So this implies that
future of a human = GODs destiny
future of a human = future predicted by the astrologer
future of a human = future after listening to the astrolger (because GODs has calculated this effect on the individual who listened to his predictions).

So we can conclude that
- if you visit the astrologer then you seem to be destined to visit him!
- if you visit the astrologer then it seems he will have an impact on your destiny!

GOD bless you and America!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Conscious mind Honest Interface - Battle of the mind

We have by now realized that there is an interaction between your conscious mind and the subconscious. There have been several ocassions when you have used your conscious mind to feed something into the sub conscious. Some times its the truth. Sometimes it is hope.

Note that conscious mind refers to the mind that is based on inputs or sensor organs. What you see, hear, feel, experience and then start processing it. Basically its an inference engine.

Let us start with getting wet in rain. Your C tells you that people have told if you get wet you get cold. Your C tells you no no no its just that if your head gets wet then you get cold. So you need to cover your head. Then you get wet. Then your C tells you, i have got wet. I may catch cold. Hmm this is not true. I just got a little wet. Then if you sneeze, your C tells hmm looks like its catching up. you should just get yourself warm and things should be fine. Get tea! These are initial thoughts. The so called early days in mind programming.

Next time. But for sure you remember what happened the first time. You caught cold! now its time to change the same. I believe that I know it was because I thought I will catch cold it did. its all in the mind.

Now its raining. I will get wet and prove that i dont catch cold. I get the towel wipe my head completely. Use a dryer. Watch myself in the mirror and say "I will". Once you come out of the room you sneeze. Hmm its just dusty i guess. Okay okay fine. I sneezed but it is not going to lead to cold. I know it. I dont want it to. I believe in my strength of the mind.

Then there is always this subconscious mind which is just a passive entity unless you choose to look into it.

The truth is subconscious knows - its deep within you. It cannot form logic. But it is all powerful. It controls your body and soul and everything. It also controls your conscious.

Now it sends a feedback over a period of time if you are listening. S says i somehow am convinced i catch cold if i get wet. If you silence the C you can hear what you are truly feeling about it. Whether you believe you will catch cold or whether you will not. If you get a good feeling from your S and not C that NO I WILL NOT THINK SO ANYMORE! I AM MORE RESISTANT TO THE RAIN. I WILL BUILD ON IT.

Well you have started at a place where you tend to fool yourself into believing using logic and powerful statements and motivational statements to a place called the HONEST INTERFACE with your subconscious.

Well the concept is a concept of power. It is not about trying to believe something. It is a way of working out with your subconscious. Its a not a way of C trying to boss over S. Its not saying something to S. It is about interacting. It is about a honest talk with your S. It is basically like a relationship. A honest one. It is not filled with lies. It is filled with practical thoughts.

Okay now you may tell your mind. I got wet. let us together feel warm about it. C to S "do you want to drink a hot cup of coffee", it will be nice. Let us not get Cold. Because we know we both want to be healthy. Neither i like it. nor you. Let us work towards not getting this.

Well on a further analysis you are still trying to talk to your S. So the C is moving into a cleverer way of talking. A better way of convincing.

So what is the solution.
Well there is nothing to be told to the S. That is the point of "Silence your mind" a concept which yoga teaches. No I am not a big fan of yoga. But over the course just analysed that what I am trying to achieve is something that could have already been achieved. I was just not listening. Hmm again saying something powerful to my S. Its not true. I was listening. That is the reason I have reached here.

So the idea is not to reach a 100% usage of your brain. Its reducing it from 3 to ZERO. Your subconscious mind already knows what you are trying to say. You can convince it by powerful words, motivation, etc. The reason why it does not last is because the logic used in convincing can be broken in several ways. Infact the subconscious mind is all knowing. IF you silence your mind you see that you took so much effort to convince but it already knew what you were trying to say. The entire beadth of it.

So in short you need to develop a honest interface with yourself.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Challenges and Opportunities - Green Touch

Challenges and Opportunities - Green Touch
Few questions on Global Warming and carbon emissions.
I am still in the early stages of understanding how the global warming as a phenomenon works. The universe is constant energy system. I really want to understand or rather convince myself that we are indeed working towards a real cause or are we heading in the wrong direction!
So energy release within the earth should ideally find a sink because energy can neither be created nor destroyed and it can only be transferred. The only know source of energy to me from external to earth is the sun. So in effect the extra source of energy keeps flowing to earth. And in effect the earth should also emit some radiations towards the universe. So the sun as such is pumping energy to earth. Earth ends up using this energy and emit a part of it.
So the question is - is earth emitting lesser energy than it is actually using up and it is thanks to the carbon in the atmosphere ?
So are we saying that if we are using a solar powered heater we are somehow making sure that this energy is utilized on the earth - in other words adding to the total energy of earth ? So in effect what we are doing is just reducing the power consumption required to heat water which is leading to a reduction in the electric energy in turn reduction in coal or some other plant which generates power and hence reduced carbon ??? but then we are trapping the sun's energy on earth.

What i seem to infer
we are having carbon in the atmosphere.
we have earth emitting energy.
we have sun's input energy
carbon prevents earth from emitting more energy.
as a result the earth's surface temperature rises due to trapped energy.
hmm so we need to better this flow of energy.
does this mean tomorrow if we head towards global cooling we may need to emit more carbon into atmosphere to retain earth's temperature ?
so are we saying that if we use up the temperature available on the earth and put it to good use we can reduce the global warming to a great extent ? So if we use the energy on the earth's surface or rather temperature on earth's surface rather than switching to solar energy which ends up contributing to earth's total energy we are in a way reducing the temperature on earth.

Ofcourse the other way is to reduce carbon ..plant more trees...reduce the co2 footprint!!!

I remember saying lets switch of all lights and reduced the energy on earth ?
So does this mean if we reduce our ill temper we are indirectly reducing the temperature on earth. So if we stop exercising/gyming/running we contribute to reduction of earth's temperature ?
So in effect what we see is that most of the work life style is changing. So this means that we are doing less and less of work by the day. So our physical energies and physical activities are reducing. On a lighter note humans are serving as energy banks by consuming more energy rich stuff and doing less work. So humans are, in a way, reducing their temperature contributions by a huge factor.
At the same time we have machines doing our work. And these machines seem to use up energy on one hand releasing heat on the other. So is it that Green touch aims to reduce this temperature footprint from the various mobiles/Network elements etc etc devices ? Also the indirect chain for energy generation requires co2 at some point in the cycle ?

Well a whole new perspective on how we can one day do nothing and still do something to global warming :-)

Now some suggestion:
We all know that some colours are drainers of energy - black gets heated quickly
We all know that some materials like cotton - which keep you cool even in summer
we all know nylon can retain heat -- sports applications
and a whole lot of materials

So if all the cars switch to white - how much temperature on the earth's surface is reduced or increased.
If all the building are painted white/people wear white/ - what is the impact on the energy flow. Sorry executives ! you may need to say bye to your black coats ;-)

So to me this is a simple solution to reduced the overall energy absorption at the earth's surface !

more on it ...when i find time!!! until then THINK!