Do you remember the day when you have studied for your exams! do you have any idea as to how much you tend to read on a single day just before the exam ? Do you know what it takes to do this kind of a thing on a normal day ?
Well then its in plain old english its called concentration. Just imagine what would happen if you read that way everyday. What would be your knowledge levels. What all you will be able to achieve. Well without wasting much of the time, I will get into something known as Acceleration. In this technique, more related to computers, we will now stumble upon a new approach to work.
Do NOT produce any for 80 percent of the time. In other words just go around what you need to do. read/learn. Get deviated. Explore. At the end of the day if u r missing there is nothing you have done! On the next day if you are not missing, then you seem to read related stuff. browse code. read some documents. do x y z. but no output. No Documents. No high level design. No LLD. No Code. No testing. Absolutely nothing.
After few days you feel you should start making notes else you may forget. You feel its time to start producing some output. You never know what else may come and surprise you. Your manager may ask what you are upto and want to check the code. You say hmm i have done the analysis and its all in the head. But suppress the fear, just put the gear!
One fine day, he would say oh u have just 3 weeks to go and you have to write around 5000 lines of code.
Ok. Its time to shed it all out. So what you have done for the past 5 months is just have the clarity on what you need to code. It is almost like typing the shit out of it! Hence the name Acceleration. Well what does it do to you. It gives you the RAM required to do complex stuff. It gives you the adrenalin rush because you have to complete it before your manager shows you the door. Its like your exam day. You have to read. else what you have done for the past 1 year is equal to nothing.
So Acceleration to sum it up is to build what you need, in the mind before its on paper.
So start working on it. you need to code in your own mind. imagine the scenarios in your design. Try to do object oriented in you mind. How your design document looks. Everything is on your mind, every single line of code. Every function, every functionality. Now start coding. Start writing that HLD. Watever it is and at the end of it all you know how much you can stretch yourself.
You will be surprised that you read the entire book of 30 chapters each of 50 pages in flat 8 hrs from the close of first exam to the start of the next exam early morning!
I would like to say, just push the pedal!!!
Stretch yourself, you will see the time stop by just for you to finish it!
you feel the hours
then the minutes
and then the seconds
and then the stillness !!!
you have arrived at the state of coding nirvana!